Wednesday 20 January 2016

Fish hook,, 300,000BC

I isn't a complicated device, the fish hook just a bit of bent wire with a sharpened end but throughout most of human history it has allowed man to nab a meal without risking life and limb hunting wild animals, or busting a gut in the fields. the earliest hooks, which probably date to around 300,000BC, were in facet carved in wood. Others have been fashioned from horns, shells thorns or even, in the case of the Easter Island, the thigh bones of deceased fishermen.

Monday 18 January 2016


If there is one defining feature of Home that has separated it from all other genera, it is the ability to make tools. The earliest tool fragments come from East Africa and were made by Home habilis more than two million years ago, but it is certain early man used tools before then, likely fashioning them from perishable materials such as wood or bone. Axes emerged as early as 10,000BC and by3000BC the Egyptians were certain finely worked flints. 

Fire, 590,000BC

Fire, like air or water, is nothing new but the ability to control it is, Well quite new. Evidence suggests early man used fire more than a million years ago, but the earliest signs that we has learned to command it date from nearly 800,000 years ago, Archaeologists at a dig in israel in 2004 discovered clusters of burnt flint tools, evidence of hearths or campfires, The ability to start fire in a flash only came with the invention of the match in 1827.